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Unleashing Your Financial Superpower: Transform your money story

Most critters in the natural world determine their behavior as a direct reaction to external stimuli. My philodendron senses light and bends towards the window - without deliberating the intentions of the light, or whether it deserves it, or being afraid that the sun will reject it tomorrow...

Humans, however, have the ability to modulate their behavior based on their internal world. Our complicated internal worlds give us the superpower of creativity: the first step of manifesting our reality is imagining it.

Why does this superpower so often feel like a curse? We get caught up in anxiety and fear even when our external circumstances are objectively safe, leading to all sorts of bad decisions and unwise behaviors.

What unhelpful stories and actions surrounding money trip you up? Do you tell yourself:

  • I need to save every cent I can

  • I need to work hard to make money

  • Investing is too risky

  • Getting in debt is wrong

  • It’s wrong to spend money on myself

  • If I make more than the men in my life, I’ll emasculate them

  • I’m bad with money

  • Making money means that I’m taking it from someone who needs it

  • Rich people are evil

  • I shouldn’t make a lot of money by helping people

  • Life is too expensive, I’ll never have enough

  • I should be grateful for what I have and not want more

Getting stuck in these harmful money stories prevent us from seeing reality. How do we transform these harmful money stories? The solution almost always can be found in awareness: by noticing the behavior patterns and thought cycles that trap us, we are empowered to choose differently.

To build the muscle of self-awareness, employ the ACT Matrix: by listing priorities, behaviors, and internal dialogues concretely and in graph format, we start to understand how our energies work for/against us.

Get the full set of instructions of how to utilize the ACT Matrix to identify your own unhelpful behaviors (and start using your superpowers purely for good) HERE.

An example of the ACT Matrix in use
An example of the ACT Matrix in use

As always have any questions, send us an email at we'll be happy to help you along your financial journey!

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