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image source: @cafeconcat

YOU DID IT! 30 days into the New Year and you are still motivated to reach your 2022 goals.

A lot of people wait until the middle of the year to check-in on their goals and the progress they have made. In order to keep yourself accountable its important to revisit your goals on a monthly basis.

Feeling motivated? Good!

Try introducing one of our goals below to stay on track to reach your 2022 goals.

  1. OUTSOURCE Ask for help to maintain your goals. Hire someone to help you in your business or in your home or ask for help from your family, friends and your community. By communicating your goals to your circle you are able to manage your 168 hours a week to work towards your precious goals.

  2. CHECK IN ON YOUR MONEY WEEKLY Spend 10 minutes a week to check in on your spending so you can stay alert and on track with budgeting.

  3. HOUSE CLEAN OUTS Keep your field of vision clear by cruising through your home and finding items you can sell or donate. There's nothing like a clean and cleared out *closet* and home! Plus, keeping thins cleaned out can help you realize what you really need and you really don't.

  4. HAVE UNACCOUNTABLE 'PLAY' MONEY Try keeping a separate fund or account for money that can fund the stuff that makes you smile. Place a set amount of money in your personal account monthly in which is unanswerable to anyone else and won't affect your monthly expenses.

  5. ESTABLISH AN EMERGENCY FUND If you don't already have an emergency fund, think about establishing one. An Emergency fund is about 3-6 months of expenses in an account you cannot easily access to keep in case you face tougher times.

A few things to keep in mind...

If you are reading this post and you feel like you are not doing any of the the things we have outlined and it's making you feel more anxious. Don't sweat it! Take a moment to reflect on this past month and ask yourself: do you need to remove distractions? Can you ask a friend to be your accountability partner or join a community like AFIRFi to support you while you continue to grow?

Fill up your space, mind and digital feed with what inspires you and pushes you.

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